- 1、河間沖床最多的公司
- 2、做糕點(diǎn)刻花模具(桃木的)哪里有
- 3、十萬火急,關(guān)于模具論文摘要翻譯,小弟感激不盡~~~
The design of the parts for silencers liner. Muffler liner thickness of 0.8mm using SALD-80 aluminum plate to ensure sufficient strength and rigidity at the same time guarantee a certain degree of high temperature and corrosion resistance. Simple symmetrical shape of the parts, in favor of drawing, cutting-edge blanking. Materials with high plasticity, ductility of the plate gap.
To be in the mold design to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the workpiece, and then to determine a reasonable job of stamping technology to commit crimes in order to obtain high precision and high efficiency, long life of the mold and the best cost-effectiveness of technology.
First of all parts for process analysis, there is deep drawing, punching, cutting-edge processes. Less as a result of processes to consider mold manufacturing costs, the ordinary single-mode processes can meet the requirement, the process menu and drawing die punching die trimming program production process can reduce production costs. After completion of the calculation and analysis of the main design tool, the punch, die part of the design work, the main components of the structural design, choose a suitable mold material.
Keywords: stamping die, deep drawing, punching, trimming, muffler liner
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